Welcome to Bottisham Parish Council website. Parish Council meetings are typically held the first Monday of the month at Bottisham Social Club.
Bottisham Parish Council, Parish Council Meeting, members of the public are entitled to attend
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    Welcome to Bottisham Parish Council Website

    ‘Serving the residents and supporting the community’

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Bottisham Parish Council

Council challenge

(Bottisham Parish Council)

This website, hopefully, enables you to catch up on how Bottisham Parish Council is serving you along with lots of other useful information about Bottisham. This site also includes all the agendas, minutes of Parish Council Meetings and Councillor contact details. If there is anything that you feel the Council should be aware of or where it can help or support you, then please contact the Parish Council.

All members of the public are entitled to attend the meeting and you are cordially invited by the Council to do so. Time will be set aside prior to the published agenda to enable informal discussion to take place. You can find out more by reading our meeting Agendas and meeting minutes If you would like to come along we kindly ask you to email the clerk to advise of your attendance please.

You can email the clerk for any information and help regarding Parish Council minutes, agendas and upcoming meetings or questions or issues you would like to raise or addressed about the Parish Council or Bottisham Village.

Latest News

Sunnica Decision - Disappointment



July 2024

Please see below a statement on Sunnica from East Cambridgeshire District Council’s leader CllrAnna Bailey

Council disappointed over Sunnica decision

The Leader of East Cambridgeshire District Council has expressed her extreme disappointment following today’s news the Sunnica solar farm has received approval from the Secretary of State.

The council, along with hundreds of local residents, has long been a vociferous objector to the plans for the massive solar farm which will span well over 900 football pitches.

It believes the site will have a significant negative impact on people living in the East Cambridgeshire villages of Isleham, Chippenham, Kennett and Snailwell, as well as Freckenham and Worlington in Suffolk, as well as the natural and historic environment of the local area.

Together with Cambridgeshire County Council, Suffolk County Council and West Suffolk Council it is also concerned about the site’s impact on biodiversity and local economy.

It was because of its sheer size that the planning application had to be decided by the Secretary of State in the first place.
The Council will be reviewing this decision carefully in the next few days to see how the decision was made. In addition, the Council will need to see what requirements will now become our legal responsibility to discharge on behalf of the Secretary of State once a developer comes forward seeking to build this energy farm.

Cllr Anna Bailey, Leader of East Cambridgeshire District Council, said: “We are heartbroken and extremely disappointed the new Secretary of State has seen fit to sideswipe the views of four councils and hundreds of local residents and businesses to agree to these proposals.

“This council is completely supportive of renewable energy. This has been demonstrated by our approval of renewable energy schemes on land outside of Burwell and Soham over the past few years.

“But it’s imperative such schemes are in the right place and are right for the communities in which they are located.

“This massive development will span over 900 football pitches and have a significant negative impact on people living in Isleham, Chippenham, Kennett and Snailwell. There are no benefits whatsoever for local people arising from this development.

“As a consequence, this council unanimously agreed not to the support the development during a special hearing of the planning committee on 3 November 2022.”

£1 Tiger Pass <25



July 2024
Tiger Pass Buses

Travel for just £1 with the Tiger Bus Pass for under 25s  Young and worry-free? Keep it that way. The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority has launched the Tiger bus pass, offering bus fares for just £1 for those under 25.

The Tiger bus pass is free and designed to make public transport more affordable, helping young people travel to school, college, training, work, shopping, and social activities. This initiative is part of a broader effort by the Combined Authority to improve public transport in the region.

To enjoy the £1 fare, just show your Tiger pass to the bus driver when boarding. Without the pass, you won’t be eligible for the discounted fare, so make sure to get yours today!Applying for your free Tiger bus pass is simple and quick:

1. Visit the application site: Apply for your Tiger pass.
2. Upload a photo and proof of age.
3. Receive your Tiger pass free of charge – a credit card-sized, tiger-branded card that’s easy to recognise and use.*

*  Terms and conditions may apply. Please see CPCA for details.

Public Rights - Period for the Exercise of Public Rights



June 2024
Public Rights

Bottisham Parish Council, hereby gives notice, for residents to view the accounts (documentation pertaining to the finances of the council and the audit process) known as the ‘Period for the Exercise of Public Rights’.

Any interested person can inspect the accounting records, which includes but is not limited to local electors. You can inspect the accounting records for the financial year to which the audit relates and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to those records. You can receive a copy of all, or part, of these records or documents. Your inspection must be about the accounts, or relate to an item in the accounts.

The viewing time commences: 10th June 2024 and ending on 19th July 2024 inclusive.

Please contact Bottisham Parish Clerk on clerk@bottisham-pc.gov.uk

The Annual Governance and Accountability Return for the Council Year 2023-24 (as required by The Accounts & Audit regulations 2015), has been submitted to the external auditors and will be published on this website.