Welcome to Bottisham Parish Council website. Parish Council meetings are typically held the first Monday of the month at Bottisham Social Club.
Bottisham Parish Council, Parish Council Meeting, members of the public are entitled to attend
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    Welcome to Bottisham Parish Council Website

    ‘Serving the residents and supporting the community’

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  • Welcome to Bottisham Parish Council
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Bottisham Parish Council

Council challenge

(Bottisham Parish Council)

This website, hopefully, enables you to catch up on how Bottisham Parish Council is serving you along with lots of other useful information about Bottisham. This site also includes all the agendas, minutes of Parish Council Meetings and Councillor contact details. If there is anything that you feel the Council should be aware of or where it can help or support you, then please contact the Parish Council.

All members of the public are entitled to attend the meeting and you are cordially invited by the Council to do so. Time will be set aside prior to the published agenda to enable informal discussion to take place. You can find out more by reading our meeting Agendas and meeting minutes If you would like to come along we kindly ask you to email the clerk to advise of your attendance please.

You can email the clerk for any information and help regarding Parish Council minutes, agendas and upcoming meetings or questions or issues you would like to raise or addressed about the Parish Council or Bottisham Village.

Latest News

Bottisham Annual Parish Meeting 29th April 7:30pm

Bottisham Sports & Social Club


April 2025
APM 2025

What is the point of an Annual Parish Meeting?

It is your chance to hear, briefly, from us what we have been up to this past year.

Why should I bother coming along?

This is your time to ask questions, raise concerns, and have a say on matters that are important to you, your family and friends that live here or visit you. It won’t be a stuffy, boring meeting, no lecturns … we’ve shaken it up a bit. We will be in small groups so it is not going to be daunting if you are new to these yearly gatherings. Give it a chance because if you don’t say what you think of the village, of Parish Council or what you would like added or changed then it is just guess work from us.

Can anyone just come along?

Pretty much but you should be a resident of Bottisham. We really want to meet you and hear from you whether you have lived here for years or just moved in.

I do have some ideas about improving the village but will you listen?

As a resident your top priority should be to ask about current key concerns or projects impacting the village, such as the status of planned improvements, ongoing developments, or recent initiatives to address traffic issues within the village … anything that you feel affects daily lives. We will listen.

I like living in Bottisham but I’ve got no idea what Parish Council does or what questions to ask - can you give some guidance?

To give you some idea …

  • Budget and spending:How is the current Parish Council budget allocated across different areas like maintenance, community projects, and environmental initiatives?
  • Community engagement:What channels do residents have to voice concerns and provide feedback on council decisions?
  • Local planning:What are the current planning applications being considered in the village, and how are they expected to impact the community?
  • Environmental issues:What steps is the council taking to address environmental concerns within Bottisham?
  • Accessibility and inclusivity:How is the council ensuring its services and facilities are accessible to all members of the community?
  • Upcoming events and initiatives:What community events or projects is the council planning to host in the near future?

When and where is it taking place?

Tuesday 29th April at 7:30pm at the Bottisham Sports & Social Club. The bar will be open at the end too.

If you can't make it but want to put either some questions through or have some feedback please email: clerk@bottisham-pc.gov.uk

Hearing Aid Maintenance at Hilton Park


March 2025

Hearing Aid Maintenance at Hilton Park

Every 4th Tuesday of the month (starting March 25th) from 10am-12noon you can drop in to Hilton Park and get your hearing aids serviced (clean, re-tube, batteries). Please share to all those not on Facebook. They do not provide hearing tests or hearing aids.

They also need volunteers and donations to ensure this service. Please get in touch if you would like any further information. www.cambridgeshirehearinghelp.org.ukTelephone - 01223 416141

Neighbourhood Plan Consultation

Bottisham Sports & Social Club


March 2025
NP Consultation

Bottisham Neighbourhood Plan Consultation - Saturday 1st March at Bottisham Sports & Social Club - 2pm - 7pm Drop In


A Neighbourhood Plan is a key way for the community to influence future development of their community - not just in housing, but in many aspects of the life and environment of the village. Once created, it will have a significant influence on the development of the village into the future.

Following a village-wide survey last year, a resident’s working party are in the process of finalising a draft plan.

We would like to share and discuss this draft plan with you. Your feedback will be incorporated into the final plan.

This plan will then go out for consultation again before submission to East Cambs District Council.

This will be a “drop-in” consultation where you can interact informally with the members of the working group on the range of different areas they are each working on.

Volunteers Needed - VE Day 10th May 2025

"Triangle" Bottisham


February 2025
VE Day

To mark the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II lets come together & remember the enormous sacrifices made at home & abroad … so come along on Saturday 10th May 2pm - 5pm at the 'Triangle' for tea & cake, fish 'n' chips from Ocean Tree &fun family entertainment.

We are looking for volunteers to help make this event happen. Ifyou are willing to bake, make or have family entertainment skills then we wouldlove to hear from you.

We need the community to help make this happen … email clerk@bottisham-pc.gov.uk

Survey - Local Government Reorganisation - ECDC



February 2025
General Village View
Local Government Reorganisation - Local Authorities are Going to 2-Tier Areas - Survey for Residents by ECDC.  

You have probably heard that the National Government is making fundamental changes to the way local government is structured. The last time this happened was in the 1970s.

All district and county councils in England will be abolished and replaced with the new unitary councils. This will significantly change the way local services are delivered. On Wednesday 5 February 2025 ECDC received the formal invitation to submit Local Government Reorganisation proposals:

Interim plans/proposals must be submitted on or before 21 March 2025 with full proposals by 28th November 2025. If legislation is agreed by Parliament then this will happen as soon as possible according to local government reorganisation.

What will happen in East Cambridgeshire:

The truth is the detail is not 100% known yet, but it is likely ECDC will be merged with other neighbouring councils to make a larger unitary authority that delivers both district and county services.

East Cambridgeshire District Council currently serves a population of 90,000. Under the proposals the new unitary authority is likely to serve a population of 500,000. Bottisham has a population (electoral role) of approximately 2400.

A unitary authority will:

* cover a larger geographical area

* cover a larger population

* offer all district and county services from one council - * everything from social care, education and potholes to planning, housing and waste collection

* mean a possible increase in Council Tax for East Cambs residents

* have less councillors covering bigger areas services will be less localised

What is ECDC Doing Now:

Whilst they cannot influence the decision to abolish district and county councils, they want to make sure they help to provide the best possible alternative for our residents, our communities and the new unitary authority.

Between now and 7 March 2025 ECDC are running a survey to ask residents what is important to them in East Cambridgeshire.

Results will be used to help formulate an outline proposal for creating a new unitary authority, which all councils have been asked to submit to government by 21 March 2025.

You can access and read the Devolution White Paper on either the ECDC website or on the Government (gov.uk) website.

Admin Assistant to Parish Council Clerk

Bottisham Parish Council


January 2025
Admin Assistant Hiring

Bottisham Parish Council are seeking a proactive, detail orientated & flexible individual to support the Parish Council Clerk.

The main role would be to support the Clerk, as directed, with day-to-day administration tasks including data entry, filing & liaising with funeral directors.

Other key responsibilities include:

Being a point of contact for public enquiries
Ensuring the Parish Council noticeboard is up to date
Providing general office handlinginward & outward mail
Ensuring records, filing systems & burial records are kept up to date
In collaboration with the Clerk be involved in parish events and/or meetings
Deputising for the Clerk during absence (as directed by Chairmanship)

The successful applicant must have good communication, administrative and literacy skills as well as a good IT skill set, as they will be interacting with the public, Councillors, and other organisations in both verbal and written formats.

The hours are 3 hours a week managed flexibly between 09:00 – 17:00
Initial salary is £12.63 per hour (NALC national salary scale SCP 7)

Please send a CV by email to Parish Clerk:

Closing date for applications: 28th February 2025

If you respond to this advert & you do not hear back from us within 3 working days post-closing date then you will unfortunately have been unsuccessful on this occasion.
The parish council is an equal opportunity employer.