Bottisham Annual Parish Meeting 29th April 7:30pm
What is the point of an Annual Parish Meeting?
It is your chance to hear, briefly, from us what we have been up to this past year.
Why should I bother coming along?
This is your time to ask questions, raise concerns, and have a say on matters that are important to you, your family and friends that live here or visit you. It won’t be a stuffy, boring meeting, no lecturns … we’ve shaken it up a bit. We will be in small groups so it is not going to be daunting if you are new to these yearly gatherings. Give it a chance because if you don’t say what you think of the village, of Parish Council or what you would like added or changed then it is just guess work from us.
Can anyone just come along?
Pretty much but you should be a resident of Bottisham. We really want to meet you and hear from you whether you have lived here for years or just moved in.
I do have some ideas about improving the village but will you listen?
As a resident your top priority should be to ask about current key concerns or projects impacting the village, such as the status of planned improvements, ongoing developments, or recent initiatives to address traffic issues within the village … anything that you feel affects daily lives. We will listen.
I like living in Bottisham but I’ve got no idea what Parish Council does or what questions to ask - can you give some guidance?
To give you some idea …
- Budget and spending:How is the current Parish Council budget allocated across different areas like maintenance, community projects, and environmental initiatives?
- Community engagement:What channels do residents have to voice concerns and provide feedback on council decisions?
- Local planning:What are the current planning applications being considered in the village, and how are they expected to impact the community?
- Environmental issues:What steps is the council taking to address environmental concerns within Bottisham?
- Accessibility and inclusivity:How is the council ensuring its services and facilities are accessible to all members of the community?
- Upcoming events and initiatives:What community events or projects is the council planning to host in the near future?
When and where is it taking place?
Tuesday 29th April at 7:30pm at the Bottisham Sports & Social Club. The bar will be open at the end too.
If you can't make it but want to put either some questions through or have some feedback please email: clerk@bottisham-pc.gov.uk
Neighbourhood Plan Consultation
Bottisham Neighbourhood Plan Consultation - Saturday 1st March at Bottisham Sports & Social Club - 2pm - 7pm Drop In
A Neighbourhood Plan is a key way for the community to influence future development of their community - not just in housing, but in many aspects of the life and environment of the village. Once created, it will have a significant influence on the development of the village into the future.
Following a village-wide survey last year, a resident’s working party are in the process of finalising a draft plan.
We would like to share and discuss this draft plan with you. Your feedback will be incorporated into the final plan.
This plan will then go out for consultation again before submission to East Cambs District Council.
This will be a “drop-in” consultation where you can interact informally with the members of the working group on the range of different areas they are each working on.
Volunteers Needed - VE Day 10th May 2025
To mark the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II lets come together & remember the enormous sacrifices made at home & abroad … so come along on Saturday 10th May 2pm - 5pm at the 'Triangle' for tea & cake, fish 'n' chips from Ocean Tree &fun family entertainment.
We are looking for volunteers to help make this event happen. Ifyou are willing to bake, make or have family entertainment skills then we wouldlove to hear from you.
We need the community to help make this happen … email clerk@bottisham-pc.gov.uk
Survey - Local Government Reorganisation - ECDC
Local Government Reorganisation - Local Authorities are Going to 2-Tier Areas - Survey for Residents by ECDC.
You have probably heard that the National Government is making fundamental changes to the way local government is structured. The last time this happened was in the 1970s.
All district and county councils in England will be abolished and replaced with the new unitary councils. This will significantly change the way local services are delivered. On Wednesday 5 February 2025 ECDC received the formal invitation to submit Local Government Reorganisation proposals:
Interim plans/proposals must be submitted on or before 21 March 2025 with full proposals by 28th November 2025. If legislation is agreed by Parliament then this will happen as soon as possible according to local government reorganisation.
What will happen in East Cambridgeshire:
The truth is the detail is not 100% known yet, but it is likely ECDC will be merged with other neighbouring councils to make a larger unitary authority that delivers both district and county services.
East Cambridgeshire District Council currently serves a population of 90,000. Under the proposals the new unitary authority is likely to serve a population of 500,000. Bottisham has a population (electoral role) of approximately 2400.
A unitary authority will:
* cover a larger geographical area
* cover a larger population
* offer all district and county services from one council - * everything from social care, education and potholes to planning, housing and waste collection
* mean a possible increase in Council Tax for East Cambs residents
* have less councillors covering bigger areas services will be less localised
What is ECDC Doing Now:
Whilst they cannot influence the decision to abolish district and county councils, they want to make sure they help to provide the best possible alternative for our residents, our communities and the new unitary authority.
Between now and 7 March 2025 ECDC are running a survey to ask residents what is important to them in East Cambridgeshire.
Results will be used to help formulate an outline proposal for creating a new unitary authority, which all councils have been asked to submit to government by 21 March 2025.
You can access and read the Devolution White Paper on either the ECDC website or on the Government (gov.uk) website.
Admin Assistant to Parish Council Clerk
Bottisham Parish Council are seeking a proactive, detail orientated & flexible individual to support the Parish Council Clerk. The main role would be to support the Clerk, as directed, with day-to-day administration tasks including data entry, filing & liaising with funeral directors. Other key responsibilities include: Being a point of contact for public enquiries The successful applicant must have good communication, administrative and literacy skills as well as a good IT skill set, as they will be interacting with the public, Councillors, and other organisations in both verbal and written formats. The hours are 3 hours a week managed flexibly between 09:00 – 17:00 Please send a CV by email to Parish Clerk: |
Closing date for applications: 28th February 2025
If you respond to this advert & you do not hear back from us within 3 working days post-closing date then you will unfortunately have been unsuccessful on this occasion. The parish council is an equal opportunity employer. |
Bottisham Defibrillator
A defibrillator can save your life if you're in cardiac arrest. This device, located on the side of Bottisham Pharmacy, provides an electrical charge that stops your heart's abnormal rhythm so your heart can get back to a normal rhythm. Even with defibrillation, cardiac arrest is fatal for many people. Did you know that a shock given within 3 - 5 minutes can produce survival rates of between 50% and 70%!
This device can be used by anyone, whether or not they have had formal training. gives the person using it voice instructions. In order to open you need to dial 999 and state your location and the call handler will provide you with an access code to open. You must stay on the line with the call handler. An AED will not allow a shock to be given unless the collapsed person needs one.
As you all know, Justin Moore, Lindum Homes site manager of the new houses built at the end of Bell Road ran a marathon in the Autumn to raise funds for the defibrillator. We are grateful also to Bottisham Pharmacy for allowing us to locate this on the side of their building.
Bottisham Parish Council Clerk is the primary administrator and we will ensure pads etc are all maintained.
We are fortunate to have defibrillators in the following locations:
1) Bottisham Pharmacy (outside on the wall where the old white notice board was mounted and outside Elite fish bar)
2) Bottisham Sports & Social Club
3) Bottisham Medical Practice.
Christmas Festivities
Bottisham Parish Council are delighted to announce the inaugural Bottisham village Christmas festivities.
Wrap-up warm and join us at the "triangle" on Saturday 7th December from 4pm
Childrens Christmas story time - 4pm onwards
Kyle Chater Acoustic & Sax friends - 4pm onwards
Bottisham Primary School Choir - 5:15pm
Christmas tree lights switch on - 5:30pm
There will be:
Carol singing around the village
Meet Santa and his friends & The Grinch
Face painting and Childrens treat bags
Hot chocolate, tea & coffee, warm fruit punch, mince pies, cake, hot dogs & trimmings
Meet the "little donkeys"
Music and DJ afterwards at the newly opened and refurbished Bell until 11pm
Street & Leaf Cleaning
Street / Leaf Clearances - Bottisham - East Cambs Street Scene have notified us that the leaf clearances should take place, in Bottisham, early next week. They have a 6 weekly schedule they follow but at this time of the year they are trying to cover heavy leaf fall areas more often.
East Cambs Street Scene is the company owned by East Cambridgeshire District Council to provide the Recycling and Waste service across the District.
Act of Remembrance @ Quy
Remembrance Service @ Quy - Sunday 10th November @ 10:50am
The Act of Remembrance service will be at Stow-Cum Quy Church this year as part of their morning service. We are unsure if this will be taken by the Vicar Revd. Max Osborne.
Parish Council will fly the Union Jack on the newly repainted Bottisham flagpole opposite Holy Trinity Church.
Cambridge Dial-A-Ride
In conjunction with East Cambridgeshire District Council (ECDC), Cambridge Dial a Ride have responded to requests from people living in the Bottisham, Lode and Stow cum Quy areas for access to services into Cambridge.
Individuals who want to use the service have to be over 16. This does also mean that any parent looking to get into Cambridge is unable to travel with their child if they are under 16.
The service will take individuals to and from their doorstop Cambridge, to Addenbrooke’s NHS Trust and even Brookfields Hospital down Mill Road. It doesn’t include going to Newmarket for example.
The charge to an individual is a membership fee of £15 per annum. However, Cambridge Dial a Ride have agreed with ECDC that this will be waived for the first year of membership for those who join this year!
For those with a valid bus pass the fee to go each way is £5.00 and those without a bus pass is £10.00 each way.
Cambridge Dial-a-Ride have a special fleet of buses that are fitted with electronic lifts and safety belts for wheelchair, mobility scooters and walking frame users or those unable to use the entrance steps. Members can also bring along a carer too for an additional fare if they need to.
The journeys all have to be pre-arranged, which can be done by contacting their office and speaking with their schedulers.
New members will also be able to take advantage of our Saturday trips out to the seaside, local garden centres and other places of interest which will be advertised on our website.
Full details are on our website www.cambridgedialaride.org.uk/
Further details can be obtained by telephoning 01223 506335 or by email tomembers@cambridgedialaride.org
We Need You
Neighbourhood planning is a way for Bottisham residents to take a proactive approach in deciding the future of our village.
We need your help in creating our neighbourhood plan ... without you it can’t be done. If you’re a resident who hold dear the best interest of Bottisham, want to protect the heritage of the village, have an eye for detail, want to help shape Bottisham for the future so it is a great place for all of us to live, work and grow in the future then we want to hear from you.
The group consists of some Parish Councillors as well as other interested village residents.
If you are interested in helping, we’re really keen to hear from you. Email: neighbourhoodplan@bottisham.pc.gov.uk
or call Parish Clerk: Sam on 07369248998
Is 20 Plenty
Cambridgeshire County Council is proposing to lower the speed limit within our village to 20mph & to implement 40mph buffer zones on approach roads. The proposals are part of a wider programme at the county council to introduce more 20mph speed limits across the county.
This application, supported by Bottisham Parish Council, is in response to your concerns & requests.
Bottisham is already a very busy village and is often used as a “rat-run” or through-route to nearby villages of Swaffham Bulbeck, Swaffham Prior and Burwell. Bottisham Parish Council has received a number of complaints of speeding within the village despite having speed warning signs (MVAS) and 30mph poles. Bottisham has a growing population of 2400 with a primary and secondary school, two care homes and a recently approved, to be built, 170 retirement home. The village is made up of a very diverse population, older people, growing families with children, young adults and persons with mobility issues and irrespective of age and ability surely their safety is paramount?
By having a 20mph speed limit throughout the village it will make it clearer to drivers that Bottisham is a village with a community that values its safety, has a population that walks around the village. This application is also in response to public concerns and follows public consultation.
The reason this is needed within the village is it will help address significant known safety issues that have got progressively worse over a number of years. Our village roads are full of fast-moving cars, vans & lorries - making our roads & footpaths unsafe for pedestrians, cyclists & more. Children, older people & those with mobility issues are particularly at risk.
The 20mph speed limit would be across the entire village.
Whilst our village has been prioritised for this scheme, further work on the proposals & public consultation will take place
before any work takes place.
Council - Who Does What
We hope this infographic will help you see which part of a council (Bottisham, East Cambridgeshire, Cambridge) does what. For a larger view please see our Parish Council Noticeboard at the Bottisham "Triangle". We hope you find this beneficial.
East Cambs Neighbourhood Police Community Event
Vacancy - Admin & Data Entry Assistant
Bottisham Parish Council are seeking a proactive, detail orientated & motivated individual to support the Parish Council in a one-off project. This is a 3-month temporary position commencing early November 2024. Your main role would be to capture key information from cemetery paper-based records and input into the Parish Council cemetery document management system along with scanning accompanying photographs. Proficiency with computers and accurate keyboard skills essential The hours are approximately 3 hours a week Please send a CV by email to Parish Clerk: Closing date for applications 15th October 2024 If you respond to this advertisement and you do not hear back from us within 3 working days post-closing date then you will unfortunately have been unsuccessful on this occasion. |
Road Closures - Bell Rd, Tunbridge, High St
Please find information relating to some road closures that are apparently relating to sending the Gigaclear boxes live. We understand this is late in the day coming through but unfortunately the detail originally received was wrong and slightly misleading. These closures are across Bottisham, Lode and Swaffham Bulbeck and cover 2 days. This is bound to cause some chaos, but can any issues raise with Gigaclear or you can email the Parish Clerk. There are also additional works around the village being carried out by UK Power Networks. Please understand that Parish Council don't always get advised of these works. Mainly because utility companies don't have to notify us! Please checkhttps://one.network for all details.
Neighbourhood Plan Update
Sunnica Decision - Disappointment
Please see below a statement on Sunnica from East Cambridgeshire District Council’s leader CllrAnna Bailey
Council disappointed over Sunnica decision
The Leader of East Cambridgeshire District Council has expressed her extreme disappointment following today’s news the Sunnica solar farm has received approval from the Secretary of State.
The council, along with hundreds of local residents, has long been a vociferous objector to the plans for the massive solar farm which will span well over 900 football pitches.
It believes the site will have a significant negative impact on people living in the East Cambridgeshire villages of Isleham, Chippenham, Kennett and Snailwell, as well as Freckenham and Worlington in Suffolk, as well as the natural and historic environment of the local area.
Together with Cambridgeshire County Council, Suffolk County Council and West Suffolk Council it is also concerned about the site’s impact on biodiversity and local economy.
It was because of its sheer size that the planning application had to be decided by the Secretary of State in the first place.
The Council will be reviewing this decision carefully in the next few days to see how the decision was made. In addition, the Council will need to see what requirements will now become our legal responsibility to discharge on behalf of the Secretary of State once a developer comes forward seeking to build this energy farm.
Cllr Anna Bailey, Leader of East Cambridgeshire District Council, said: “We are heartbroken and extremely disappointed the new Secretary of State has seen fit to sideswipe the views of four councils and hundreds of local residents and businesses to agree to these proposals.
“This council is completely supportive of renewable energy. This has been demonstrated by our approval of renewable energy schemes on land outside of Burwell and Soham over the past few years.
“But it’s imperative such schemes are in the right place and are right for the communities in which they are located.
“This massive development will span over 900 football pitches and have a significant negative impact on people living in Isleham, Chippenham, Kennett and Snailwell. There are no benefits whatsoever for local people arising from this development.
“As a consequence, this council unanimously agreed not to the support the development during a special hearing of the planning committee on 3 November 2022.”
£1 Tiger Pass <25
Travel for just £1 with the Tiger Bus Pass for under 25s Young and worry-free? Keep it that way. The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority has launched the Tiger bus pass, offering bus fares for just £1 for those under 25.
The Tiger bus pass is free and designed to make public transport more affordable, helping young people travel to school, college, training, work, shopping, and social activities. This initiative is part of a broader effort by the Combined Authority to improve public transport in the region.
To enjoy the £1 fare, just show your Tiger pass to the bus driver when boarding. Without the pass, you won’t be eligible for the discounted fare, so make sure to get yours today!Applying for your free Tiger bus pass is simple and quick:
1. Visit the application site: Apply for your Tiger pass.
2. Upload a photo and proof of age.
3. Receive your Tiger pass free of charge – a credit card-sized, tiger-branded card that’s easy to recognise and use.*
* Terms and conditions may apply. Please see CPCA for details.
Public Rights - Period for the Exercise of Public Rights
Bottisham Parish Council, hereby gives notice, for residents to view the accounts (documentation pertaining to the finances of the council and the audit process) known as the ‘Period for the Exercise of Public Rights’.
Any interested person can inspect the accounting records, which includes but is not limited to local electors. You can inspect the accounting records for the financial year to which the audit relates and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to those records. You can receive a copy of all, or part, of these records or documents. Your inspection must be about the accounts, or relate to an item in the accounts.
The viewing time commences: 10th June 2024 and ending on 19th July 2024 inclusive.
Please contact Bottisham Parish Clerk on clerk@bottisham-pc.gov.uk
The Annual Governance and Accountability Return for the Council Year 2023-24 (as required by The Accounts & Audit regulations 2015), has been submitted to the external auditors and will be published on this website.
D-Day 80 9am 6th June Commemoration
Possible New Bus Routes - Need Your Help
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) is developing plans for big improvements to rural bus services
AtoB1102 is in very good communication with CPCA; and is proposing to CPCA a bus network North East of Cambridge which meets people’s needs (based on the recent Survey) AND has a long-term future
• Fast, frequent, direct bus services a) Soham – Burwell – Cambridge; b) Newmarket – Bottisham – Cambridge
• Regular bus service Burwell – Reach – Lode +’Rds - Bottisham – Wilbrahams – Cam Sth / Addenbrookes
• Well-managed Interchange in villages at Hubs to provide easy, speedy connectivity between the bus services
• Additional journeys at times when pupils and stu
dents need to travel to schools and colleges (e.g. 6th Form colleges in Cambridge)
How you can help:
Write to the Mayor of CAMBRIDGESHIRE & PETERBOROUGH to say you support AtoB1102’s Proposals: nik.johnson@cambridgeshirepeterborough-ca.gov.uk
Copy in Alan Sharp, our County Councillor, who is also a member of CPCA’s Board: alan.sharp@cambridgeshire.gov.uk
Ancient Meadows Pathway Repairs - Out of Use
Contractors from East Cambridgeshire District Council will be upgrading (with tarmac) the complete foot path from the Ancient Meadows road through to (and including) the area beside the kissing gate and the access from Lysander Way.
The works will commence on Wednesday 10th April - Friday 12th April inclusive.
There will be signs beside the kissing gate, Ancient Meadows road and Lysander Way entrance alerting residents to the works. Due to the narrowness of the path it will mean that the path will temporarily be completely blocked during some of the works.
This is very short notice, we understand, but it was planned for a few weeks time but the contractors had a cancellation and have fitted it in.
Bell Road Disruption - City Fibre
Unfortunately, Parish Council, were not notified about the roadworks on Bell Road. This is being carried out by City Fibre and agreed by Cambridgeshire County Council. The works schedule and notice is up on one.networkAccording to the works notice the disruption is from 4th April until 17th April inclusive. The works description has not been published (helpful!) by City Fibre.
Lucy Frazer MP Open Surgery
Lucy Frazer MP will be hosting an open meeting at Bottisham Community Sports & Social Club on Saturday 23 March 2024 at 10am
All residents are invited to discuss any issues or concerns with her, whether local or national.
If residents are planning on coming along to the open meeting, it would be very helpful if they could email her at lucy.frazer.mp@parliament so that she can make the necessary practical arrangements.
Retirement Village Update
UPDATE - RETIREMENT VILLAGEFirst off, a big thank you to all of those who have worked tirelessly on petitions and letters relating to the retirement village planning approval. A constructive meeting, on Tuesday 19th March, was had with the Director of Operations, Isabel Edgar, at East Cambs District Council (ECDC) and District Councillor Charlotte Cane. Isabel had a good understanding of the case and just as importantly our concerns. Letters and all the petitions (at the time 700 which is around 30% of our village!) were handed in along with supporting documents. All were available to ECDC legal team (Kings Counsel) to review and consider, along with the detailed Planning Inspectorates' decision. The objective here were to ascertain grounds for Judicial Review (JR)Unfortunately, on 20th March, ECDC notified Parish Council that there is no legal position for a JR. We understand that the village as a whole will feel disappointed at this result. In relation to further political intervention, as you know many letters, have also been written to Lucy Frazer MP and Rt. Hon. Michael Gove and will wait to see if any response can be obtained. Lucy Frazer has also written to Lee Rowley MP and will continue to chase. But we must be realistic that there is a very slim chance of this application being overturned by Government. Unlike the applicant, we really do not have the option of appealing to the Secretary of State (and the Planning Inspectorate) for a change of decision. We have done our very best and we are grateful to all of those involved helping push this as far as we could. We will, of course, keep you updated if and when we hear anything further. Any changes wanted to the approved planning application, for example changing the number of affordable houses, will need to come both via ECDC and Parish Council. All parties will focus on ensuring material considerations laid out are met. Thank you again for all residents’ hard work and we are just as disappointed as you are but hope you feel Parish Council have done all we could. * News Item 16th March 2023 Here is the dedicated online petition - Retirement Village Change.Org Petition This form is for designated "door knockers" to download only. Selected resident door knockers will be visiting homes around Bottisham village this over the next couple of days (15th March - 18th March inclusive) to seek your support to oppose the recently approved Retirement Village planning application. These residents have volunteered to help the community and Bottisham Parish Council. They will kindly and respectfully ask for your support but you are under no obligation to support this petition. If you have any concerns or questions over this petition please email: clerk@bottisham-pc.gov.uk Please can all petitions be left in the designated box in the Co-Op by 10am on Monday 18th March 2024. There will also be an online petition on Change.org for those who wish to submit electronically. The link will be available on Bottisham Community Facebook page. After being refused by East Cambridgeshire District Council (ECDC), Planning Inspector (PI) and Secretary of State permission has now been granted by a different / second Planning Inspector to build a retirement village of 170 homes with associated C3 homes on green belt land in Bottisham this includes up to 50 affordable homes. This is due to be located on the land behind Beechwood Avenue (backing onto Cedar Walk, The Rowans with entrance off High Street. This will have a huge and we believe detrimental impact on the village; green belt land & countryside, doctors (capacity), facilities and traffic. Bottisham Parish Council, ECDC and many residents are extremely disappointed at the outcome of the Appeal decision to allow the Retirement Village in Bottisham and remains vehemently opposed to the proposal. This petition will go to East Cambridgeshire District Council and the Secretary of State, Rt Hon, Michael Gove for Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and Lee Rowley, Minister for Housing, Planning and Building Safety. NB: If you scan the QR code below you will have to zoom your screen out to image it. This will take you to the dedicated online petition - Retirement Village Change.Org Petition |
Bottisham - Roadworks
Gigaclear VINEYARD WALK Some carriageway incursion 20/03/2024 22/03/2024 Utility repair and maintenance works - https://one.network/?GB137974099
Trooli Ltd BELL ROAD Multi-way signals 21 21/03/2024 23/03/2024 Utility asset works - https://one.network/?GB137971963
Cambridgeshire County Council NEWMARKET ROAD Two-way signals 18 18/03/2024 18/03/2024 Highway repair and maintenance works - https://one.network/?GB137949954
Gigaclear LODE ROAD Some carriageway incursion 25/03/2024 27/03/2024 Utility repair and maintenance works -https://one.network/?GB137929373
Gigaclear BELL ROAD Give and take 17/03/2024 20/03/2024 Utility repair and maintenance works -https://one.network/?GB137803803
Change of Location of Extra Ordinary Parish Council Meeting
Please note that the location of the Extra Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council to be held on Thursday 14th March at 7.30pm is due to be held in Hall 2 at Bottisham Village College.
February Roadworks Around Bottisham
https://one.network/?GB137584822 - LYSANDER CLOSE
https://one.network/?GB137574540 - POUND CLOSE
https://one.network/?GB136944813 - PARK ROAD
https://one.network/?GB136711662 - LODE ROAD
Bottisham Greenway Information Evening - 30th January 2024
The Greater Cambridgeshire Partnership (GCP) is developing a number of “Greenway” routes around Cambridge to encourage pedestrian and cycling acess into the city and within surrounding villages. One of these is the “Bottisham Greenway”. There are plans to come through our village.
Residents need to be fully aware of what these plans are. Unfortunately, the plans online have moved on considerably from what is on the website. Bottisham Parish Council plan to share these plans with you.
Tuesday 30th January at 7:30pm at Bottisham Sports & Social Club
The GCP project team have been consulting with the Parish Council for a year now both onsite and several online meetings. As elected representatives we have attempted to bring a balanced response to their proposals.
At the Parish Council December meeting we identified 3 alternatives that we would like to discuss with you and on the 30th will offer you the chance to comment on options to help guide discussions with the GCP. We want to ensure we have the village “with us” in any changes made or not made.
The 3 Options Include:
1) Do nothing in Bottisham at all.
This may be that the GCP will have the Bottisham Greenway stop/cease ½ way down Bell Road (near the footpath to the School/field)
2) Full GCP Bottisham Greenway scheme with speed cushions at the 4 entrances to the Triangle (High Street, Tunbridge Lane x 2, Lode Road)
3) Full scheme with raised asphalt table around the four entrances to the Triangle
January Roadworks around Bottisham
Organisation Street Name, Town - Traffic Type - Proposed Start Date to Proposed End Date Activity Type Permit Number (click on link to take you to OneNetwork to see location and more detail.
Anglian Water - Bell Road, Bottisham - Road closure 17/01/2024 to 19/01/2024 Utility repair & maintenance works - AD03010742650_3
Gigaclear - Downing Close, Bottisham - Give & take 17/01/2024 to 19/01/2024 Utility repair & maintenance works - KA290E-BTTSHA-DOWNINGCL
Gigaclear - Beechwood Avenue, Bottisham - Some carriageway incursion 17/01/2024 to 19/01/2024 Utility repair & maintenance works KA290E-BTTSHA-BEECHWOOD4
Gigaclear - Trinity Close, Bottisham - Some carriageway incursion 17/01/2024 to 19/01/2024 Utility repair & maintenance works KA290E-BTTSHA-TRINITY
Gigaclear - Mulberry Close, Bottisham - Give & take 17/01/2024 to 19/01/2024 Utility repair & maintenance works KA290E-BTTSHA-MULBERRY
Gigaclear - Footpath Spring Lane & West Walk, Bottisham - Road/Path closure 29/01/2024 to 06/02/2024 Utility repair & maintenance works KA290BTTSHA-WW-WP25-27
High Street Flooding
High Street Flooding - Stopped Fingers Crossed
As you know there has always been considerable flooding down the High Street (just north of Beechwood Avenue). Unfortunately, tree roots, mud, leaves and general debris had majorly blocked the drains. These have now, successfully, been rodded and cleared all the way down to the Bell Road junction.
You can report any highways issues; pot holes, flooding because of drains etc:
https://highwaysreporting.cambridgeshire.gov.uk You will need to enter road name, parish or postcode on the map (zoom in) to the location of your report.
Bus Survey - 15th December deadline
Your input on our bus service is needed!
We are asking you to complete a survey, carried out by the A to B1102 group (https://atob1102.org) and supported by Bottisham and neighbouring villages along with our local MP Lucy Frazer. This survey is being carried out to understand your travel needs with the objective to understand what kind of bus service (No. 11 & No. 12) you want going forward. Whether you walk, cycle, use the bus or your own car, we want to understand directly from you!
Your feedback / responses will aid in lobbying (supported by our MP and County/District Councillors) of the Mayor ofCambridge & Peterborough Combined Authority for improvements in our bus services. Contracts for future services are being discussed this winter in preparation for renewal in April 2024.
Ideally this will help design a better connection service. Who knows this might be a new service altogether rather than trying to do diversions through Bottisham with the No.11 ... all depends on the what you have to say! It will take you no more than 10 minutes to complete and your input is valuable. No personal details are collected.
Please share this as much as possible. A .pdf A5 format is available for you to download and complete and you can post either in the designated box in the CO-OP or at the Bottisham Medical Practice or at Holy Trinity Church, Bottisham. Alternatively, you can post to:50 High Street, Swaffham Prior, Cambridge CB250LD (stamp required)
Community Safety Open Forum
Many of you joined us in March to express your concerns regarding anti-social behaviour, road safety, speeding and the need for better community engagement in our village. This meeting is to give you an update on the actions taken away from that inaugural meeting, run through plans in progress and what has been implemented so far. It is also an opportunity for YOU to discuss things further with the panel.
We want to make this a really productive meeting. For that we need everyone with concerns to attend and help us bring these matters to the relevant authorities’ attention. So, save the date and please spread the word.
Anglian Water Works (9/10/23)
Anglian Water - letter
Due to resourcing issues and the need to prioritise sending our teams to work which addresses urgent customer issues such as flooding and interruptions to supply, this work was delayed.
This work will now take place on 09 October 2023.
What’s happening in your area?
The drains and sewers in your community take water away to our water recycling centre (WRC) in Bottisham located off Tunbridge Lane, where it’s cleaned before being returned safely to the local environment.
Phosphorous is widely used in soaps and cleaning products but can be harmful to wildlife in waterways. To tackle this, we’re investing over £650,000 into upgrading our WRC, installing new equipment, and strengthening the current water treatment process.
Reducing the levels of phosphorus in the water that is returned to the environment will reduce algae growth and improve water quality in local watercourses.
How will the work affect you?
This work will be taking place entirely on our WRC site, so there will be minimal disruption locally, however you may see an increased presence from our vehicles in the area. While we carry out this work your service will not be affected, and you can continue to use your facilities without worry.
How can you find out more and get in touch?
You can find information about this scheme and see any updates by putting your postcode into our webpage at www.anglianwater.co.uk/yourarea.
You can also email us on onealliancecustomers@anglianwater.co.uk or call us on 03457 145 145 with any questions.
More GigaClear/Opals Roadworks
More GigaClear Roadworks
Parish Council received an email last night with notification of yet more road disruption with GigaClear. Please see the graphic they sent. We urge you to go on to https://one.network/uk and enter your street name to look up how this impacts you.
Unfortunately, there does appear to be disruption this weekend around Bell Road, High Street and Tunbridge Lane where there will be multi-way traffic lights again. We are informed by Highways that these lights can only be operational between 09:30am - 2:30pm and these are conditions that have been set.
If and when we hear we will do our utmost to keep you up to date. The issues faced here will be discussed at Parish Council October 2nd Meeting.
Maple Close - Temporary Traffic Order
Dear Residents
A proposed TTRO application has been forwarded on to Bottisham Parish Council on 12th September 2023 . We attach this for your information. Opal Group (who are undergoing the works and requested this order) should also be notifying residents directly. The carriageway crossing on the junction of Maple Close to outside 1 Maple Close, Bottisham, Cambridge, CB25 9BQ will be impacted. No diversion route is required due to this being a dead end. Please see the .pdf attached.
If you have any comments, please respond by 26/09/23.
Please email: street.works@cambridgeshire.gov.uk
Reference: 23-1250Proposed TTRO - Maple Close, Bottisham 27/11/23 - 29/11/23
For Attention Of: Sharon Fuller
Alternatively call Highways Service at Cambridgeshire County Council on 01480 372444
If no comments are received they will proceed with the application and a copy of the Order will be circulated for information once made.
For Info: Noise Mildenhall Aircraft Exercise
For Information: Possible noise from RAF MILDENHALL EXERCISE NOTICES
We have been notified of the following:
Night Flying September 18-21 & Natural Disaster Exercise September 20-22
RAF Mildenhall is conducting routine readiness training at night September 18-21 from 7 PM - 11:50 PM. This training has been coordinated and approved by host-nation government as a part of exercise Cobra Warrior. Training at night allows crews to train in different environments to enhance and maintain proficiency for any mission - day or night. This training is imperative to maintain readiness to support our regional allies and partners and continue to improve security and defense to the European theater. Cobra Warrior is United Kingdom Royal Air Force - sponsored exercise focusing on operational to tactual high-end spectrum war fighting in a contested, degraded and limited operating environment.
Additionally, there is going to be a Natural Disaster Exercise between September 20-22 from 8AM - 4PM. There may be increased noise from emergency response activity, as well as possible Giant Voice announcements to Shelter-In-Place.
This is likely to be heard around the more local area.
Works By GigaClear
Notifications from Roisin Murphy at Gigaclear -
Please see permit information for the Bottisham build. Please note that these permits may not be for the full length of the times stated however gives us opportunity to finish the works.
As always please refer to https://one.network/public
for up to date information. If you require some words for any local newsletters then please do let me know and I would be happy to do this.And to sign up for updates or be the first to know when you can order service please go to https://gigaclear.com/locations you do not need to do this again if you have done so already
Gigaclear say ... thank you for your patience during this major infrastructure upgrade.
Bottisham Retirement Village - Opposition
Bottisham Retirement Village Planning Request Update
ECDC’s Planning Manager has requested an extension of time as he is still gathering more information. However, the applicant, Axis Land Management, has refused this request and has referred the matter to the Inspector (on behalf of the Secretary of State) on the basis of non-determination by ECDC.
The Planning Application will go to the ECDC Planning Committee on 6th September 2023, at which Bottisham’s District and Parish Councillors will again express their opposition to the proposals.
The applicant’s appeal/enquiry is scheduled for review by the Inspector in w/c 16 October.
We will provide further updates as soon as possible. However, please ensure you check the ECDC planning portalhttps://pa.eastcambs.gov.uk/online-applications/
Ref. No: 23/00205/OUM
All those individuals who have also opposed the planning of the retirement village should have received a letter updating you of the situation.
Ely Green Fair
Ely Cathedral Green Fair 5 August 2023
Activities, Stalls & Fun
Working alongside Ely Cathedral, the Council is helping to host Ely's biggest ever Green Fair on5 August 2023.
The Green Fair will take place both on the Cathedral's grounds as well as the Council's Palace Green area, immediately in front of the Cathedral.
The fair starts at 10:00am and is completely FREEto enter. No need to book, just visit any time between 10:00am and 4:00pm.
Activities on Palace Green include:
- Vote for your favourite animal you want to thrive in East Cambridgeshire - with a chance to win a cuddly toy of the animal you vote for!
- Treasure hunts and construction play - with a chance to win small prizes!
- Action on Energy where you can see how heat pumps and solar panels work, and find out if you are eligible for grants.
- Lots of stalls run by local charities or organisations, with hands on activities for families. More details to follow soon!
On the Cathedral grounds will be dozens of stalls selling local produce and eco-friendly items. A full list of stalls available on the Cathedral's website.
ECDC votes against congestion charge
East Cambs District Council calls for halt to Cambridge congestion charge
Plans to implement congestion charging in Cambridgeshire should be stopped and alternative proposals, like improved bus services given a higher priority, according to East Cambridgeshire District Council.
A motion put forward by Conservative councillors at the Full Council meeting on 13 July called on Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA), together with the county council and the Greater Cambridgeshire Partnership (GCP) to cease work on implementing road charging.
It cited the fact 59% of East Cambridgeshire respondents to the Greater Cambridgeshire Partnership’s recent Making Connections consultation opposed the proposed Sustainable Transport Zone as a means of delivering the future transport network. This sentiment was agreed by over half (58%) of respondents overall.
It also expressed concerns the CPCA’s modified plans in response to the feedback would lead to a “serious erosion” of the business model presented in the consultation, which would lead to “increased bureaucracy and cost” for running the scheme. This in turn will mean less funds are available to invest in the future transport network and a failure to deliver much needed bus services and sustainable transport improvements.
Presenting the motion, Councillor Anna Bailey, who leads East Cambridgeshire District Council, said that while 58 percent of all respondents were against the sustainable transport zone, “over 70% of respondents were in favour of the new transport network – with more buses to more locations, cheaper fares and longer operating times supported by better walking and cycling infrastructure to give people faster, clearer and more reliable travel alternatives to the car.”
She added: “We believe the GCP has failed to consider or present alternatives to road charging.”
The motion called for all partners, together with MPs, businesses and organisations across Cambridgeshire to develop alternative proposals that demonstrate public support.
Cllr Bailey added: “Many people rely on traveling to Cambridge for jobs and important services, like healthcare. Instead of being set on charging people, we believe they should focus on the early delivery of multiple small improvements as well as accelerating work on larger projects that can and will encourage people away from private vehicle use.”
If the GCP and its partners refuse to stop work on the implementation of road charging, the district council has urged it to present thorough and detailed costs and feasibility studies for all permutations of the revised scheme under discussion, including necessary arising revisions to the future bus network and sustainable travel improvements.
The motion was passed with 13 votes in favour, 0 votes against and 9 abstentions.
East Camb Council Update
Council gets set to deliver for residents
Council Tax across East Cambridgeshire will only be raised as a last resort between now and 2027, as part of a renewed commitment to help with the Cost of Living Crisis.
East Cambridgeshire District Council is continuing its Council Tax commitment as part of its new Corporate Plan, which sets out the council’s priorities for the coming four years.
Commitments have also been made to invest millions in protecting the environment, improving sustainable transport options and increasing the number of affordable homes available for local residents.
A key focus will be on developing sustainable communities. The council will work with Community Land Trusts and East Cambs Trading Company to continue to deliver genuinely affordable housing that enables people to live and work locally.
Working with partners such as Sustrans and the Cambridge and Peterborough Combined Authority, the council will also continue its work to improve cycling routes, support phase 2 of Soham Railway and lobby for improved bus services.
It’s also officially pledged to oppose the introduction of congestion charging in Cambridge, which it sees as having a negative impact on residents who travel to the larger city for jobs, education and important services, like healthcare.
Subject to a business case being approved, proposals for a state-of-the-art bereavement centre to include an eco-crematorium, woodland burial site and pet cemetery all set in the grounds of a beautiful lakeside nature reserve at Mepal, will also go ahead.
Around £2 million is to be invested in energy efficiency measures for non-gas homes and under its pledge to create a cleaner, greener East Cambridgeshire, the council will continue to deliver its Environment Plan, which sets out commitments to reach net carbon zero by 2035/6.
There will be crack downs on Environmental Crime, such as fly tipping and littering, and a Love Your Street campaign to improve the look and feel of local communities.
As part of its “Project Street Smart” the council will also be introducing bin lorries which run on hydrotreated vegetable oil, digitising its waste service, improving recycling targets and bringing in black wheeled bins for residents.
Councillor Anna Bailey, leader of East Cambridgeshire District Council, said: “We really pride ourselves as being a small but mighty council. Over the next four years we are packing a lot in to help us meet our three key priorities of sound financial management, creating a cleaner, greener East Cambridgeshire and delivering sustainable communities.
“I for one am extremely excited with the innovative approach this council is taking to adapting to our changing world and environment and making our district a fantastic place to live, work and visit.”
Read ECDC four year Corporate Plan for 2023-2027
Read ECDC annual Corporate Plan for 2023/4
For more information contact ECDC communications team oncomms@eastcambs.gov.uk or 01353 665555/07796 358144.
Salaried Litter Picker Needed
Bottisham Parish Council are seeking a part-time litter picker to keep our lovely village clean & tidy. This is a paid position, renumerated monthly in arrears & is for approximately 2 hours per week. These times can be carried out whenever suits the successful person. This position is open to all >13+. If of school age then permission would need to be sought from the school, relevant authorities & guardian. |
All equipment that you would need will be provided; gloves, high visibility vests & bags to help you. We also offer training, guidance and safety advice.
Application forms & more information available from our Council Clerk:
Telephone: 07369 248998
emailing: clerk@bottisham-pc.gov.uk
Warm Hubs - Extended
During Spring 2023 Community Hubs launched from the Warm Hubs initiative to continue offering support for residents in East Cambridgeshire. The success and benefits of the Warm Hubs has been evaluated, you can read the full report on Cambridgeshire ACRE's website.
The Cambridgeshire Warm Hubs Network has now become the Cambridgeshire Community Hubs Network; the same great offer to local communities, just year-round. You can find the full list of Community Hubs now operating across East and South Cambridgeshire at
Community Hubs in East Cambridgeshire
- Ashley Community Hub - Ashley Pavilion, High Street, Ashley, Newmarket, CB8 9DX. Opens: Last Thursday of every month, 1pm - 3pm
- Fordham Community Hub - Victoria Hall, Carter Street, Fordham, Ely, CB7 5NG. Opens: Monday, 9.30am - 12.30pm
- Haddenham Social Hub - Haddenham Sports and Social Club, Chewells Lane, Haddenham, Ely, CB6 3SS. Opens: Monday, 9am - 12pm, Tuesday, 9am - 3pm, Wednesday, 9am - 12pm
- Little Downham Community Hub - Little Downham Village Hall, Main Street, Little Downham, Ely, CB6 2ST. Opens: Wednesday, 1pm - 4pm and Friday, 10am - 2pm
- Little Thetford Community Hub - Little Thetford Village Hall, The Wyches, Little Thetford, Ely, CB6 3HG. Opens: Monday, 10am - 1pm
- Littleport Community Hub - St George's Church Parish Room, Church Lane, Littleport, Ely, CB6 1PS. Opens: Wednesday, 2pm - 4pm, Friday, 10.30am - 12.30pm
- Soham Touchpoint Community Hub - Walter Gidney Pavilion, Fountain Lane, Soham, Ely, CB7 5PL. Opens: Tuesday, 12pm - 3pm
- Stetchworth Community Hub - Ellesmere Centre, Ley Road, Stetchworth, Newmarket, CB8 9TS. Opens: Wednesday and Friday, 9am - 12pm
Slides from Annual Parish Mtg - Tuesday 16th May
TUESDAY 16TH MAY 7:30PM - 8:15PM
Join us for an a short update session, followed by an opportunity to chat with local representatives.
The social club bar will open refreshments available after 8:15pm.
Take this opportunity to chat with speakers members of Bottisham Parish Council and local schools. You can ask anything from planning, new
developments, the local environment and the new cemetery etc.
For more information email: clerk@bottisham-pc.gov.uk
Click below for the agenda:
Retirement Village - Update
An Update on Proposed Retirement Village off High Street, Bottisham.
Long read so apologies but rather provide you with as much detail as we can.
So ... As you know landowners and their associated developers (Applicants), earlier in February of this year. re-submitted an application to build a retirement village in Bottisham. This was simply a re-submission of the previous application with very little or substantial changes.
The original planning application was refused by East Cambridgeshire District Council (ECDC), and was again refused on a subsequent appeal. This appeal and court proceedings took place In February 2022 whereby the Planning Inspector decided it was not a valid application for various reasons including not permissible for building on Green Belt land.
All previous planning documents and court hearings can be found on (ECDC) website. Both ECDC and Bottisham Parish Council and the Medical Practice are maintaining their position in strongly opposing this development.
However ... an update for you.
1) Objections and/or support can still be lodged with ECDC. Currently we have no deadline date for these. Once you have lodged this objection/support it will be uploaded to the ECDC planning website associated to that relevant planning proposal.
To post:
Mr Andrew Phillips, Planning Team Leader
Planning Department
East Cambridgeshire District Council
The Grange
Nutholt Lane
To email: andrew.phillips@eastcambs.gov.uk
Reference: 23/00205/OUM, Retirement Village Bottisham
https://tinyurl.com/mv8vyj9p Retirement Village Planning Application
2) The applicants have been notified by ECDC Planning Lead that they have to make a more robust argument to support their application. All parties are awaiting a response on this. The applicants don’t have to submit any changes but are likely aware that this will potentially negatively impact on the decision.
3) The objection of this planning proposal has the full support and weight of our local MP Lucy Frazer. This supporting letter can also be found on the ECDC website.
4) Unfortunately, we were advised that this would go to ECDC Planning Committee in July. However, due to local elections and other commitments this has been delayed. We are advised now (as of 22nd May) that this is likely to be August-September.We have requested that we be updated regularly on this Planning Committee timeframe so that residents can either attend in person to object / support and present their case and ask questions or alternatively can listen via live YouTube link. We will keep you abreast as we hear further.
To remind you of Bottisham Parish Council objections these are as follows:
- There is still a substantial encroachment into the Green Belt
- The building height planned to be reduced from 15m to 10m
- The Affordable house provision is reduced from 51 to 32 - however the new Bell Road development has 100% affordable houses therefore the village’s requirement has already been covered for several years ahead
- The entrance and exit are still from the High Street with poor width and visibility splays
- C2 and C3 care provision has not changed – we already have 3 care facilities with spare capacity and a shortage of staff
- Bottisham Medical Practice will still be overwhelmed providing primary care service for the new extra elderly population and objected in 2022
- Carbon footprint will be severely impacted with several hundred additional vehicles
Refuse Reminder - Bank Holiday
Residents are reminded that bins and bags will be collected one day later next week owing to the Spring bank holiday on Monday 29th May.
Please make sure that your bin/bag is on your boundary by 7:00am on the day of collection.
Please ensure that your bin is brought in at the earliest opportunity and not left blocking pathways or roads.
Please also try and place your bin bag on top of your bin so that it may prevent wildlife accessing it! Also be considerate with your neighbours and if your bin is "attacked by wildlife" either clear up if possible or report it to East Cambs Recylces or email East Cambridgeshire District Council who are have a responsibility for clearing / cleaning up spilt rubbish from bin bags on the day.
Supermarket Vouchers - Eligible Families
£15 school holiday supermarket vouchers for eligible families will be sent via email or text by 27 May and must be claimed by 30 June – don’t miss out visit: https://pulse.ly/jfv0zz012i
Bottisham roadworks being undertaken by Gigaclear between 2nd May to 31st May inclusive
To keep updated visit: https://one.network/
Coronation Celebrations
Bottisham Coronation Celebrations - Sunday May
Holy Trinity Church
10.30am - 12.00noon
Coronation Celebration Service led by Revd. Keith Morrison
Spend time afterwards admiring the floral display by Bottisham Floral Team
Bottisham Airfield Museum
10.30am - 4:30pm
Explore the World War II history of Bottisham Airfield
See the newly rebuilt P51 Mustang
Queen’s Court
11.30am - 3:30pm
Experience a fun packed family day with vintage fairground attractions. Treat yourself to hot dogs, ice creams &cream teas with gin fizz. Raffle & prizes to win!
Dirt Hills ‘Big Lunch Picnic’
12.30am – 2:30pm
Live Music with the unique ‘Silburys’
(a fusion of folk, prog & acoustic rock)
Activities on at Bottisham Sports & Social Club
Afternoon & Evening Entertainment
12noon Onwards
Refreshments available prior to entertainment
2:30pm - 4:30pm
Traditional afternoon tea party for all ages
4:30pm - 6:00pm
Kiddies’ Fun Time with ‘Calamity Jane’
(Children’s Entertainer)
6:30pm – 7:30pm
‘SlackmaGirdle’ Morris Dancers & BBQ
8:15pm onwards
Dance the night away with Pam Daish
Thank you to the generous support & cooperation of; Queen’s Court, Holy Trinity Church, Parish Council, Sports & Social Club, Red2Green, WI, Park Estate Residents Association, Primary School and not least, the army of volunteers that helped in so many ways.
Roadworks 21st April - 25th April
Bottisham roadworks being undertaken by Gigaclear between 21 April - 25th April inclusive.
To keep updated visit: https://one.network/
Join the Parish Council
People of all different ages, backgrounds & experiences make up a community.
Enjoy living in Bottisham? Think changes could be made? Like a worthwhile & rewarding role in your community?
Due to two long term councillors stepping down in May, we now have three vacancies to fill.
Make a change & become a parish councillor.
Annual 20mph funding programme open - anyone can apply
Cambridgeshire County Council have created an annual 20mph funding programme to install either 20mph zones or limits countywide.
The programme will open for applications annually and anyone can apply if they have the support of their local County Council member. Once an application has been submitted it will be prioritised and scored by officers. This will produce a long list which will then be worked through until all the schemes applied for have been delivered.
The prioritised schemes will be entirely funded by the council out of a budget of £150,000 per year specifically set aside for 20mph schemes. This is expected to fund the delivery of around eight individual schemes per year.
The 20mph restrictions will:
- make streets safer by reducing speeds and enabling a more equitable use of the road space for all users (vulnerable road users, sustainable transport, businesses, and car users)
- encourage residents to walk or cycle by reducing speeds
- reduce noise and pollution by amending the way vehicles accelerate/decelerate
The initiative will not be compulsory (but the greater level of coverage we attain across the county the greater level of compliance we will gain) and needs to be supported by the parish/town council and by the local county councillor.
For more information:
Bottisham Community Safety Open Forum - Save the Date
Location: Bottisham Community Sports and Social Club
Come & Have Your SAY
If you have concerns about any aspect of community safety in Bottisham, whether anti-social behaviour, road safety or anything else then come along to this meeting. It is a chance to meet and ask questions of representatives of some of the key groups and authorities impacting on life in Bottisham and working to keep us safe. The meeting is being hosted by your Parish Council, with support from East Cambs Community Safety Partnership.”
If questions can’t be answered immediately, the panellists will get back to you as soon as they can. After the forum, the panel will also take away the issues raised and implement a 3-month plan. There will then be a community update afterwards.
So, Save The Date: 8th March 2023
Resubmission of planning permission for a Retirement Village
East Cambs District Council have advised that they have received a revised Planning Application for a Retirement Village from Axis Land
Partnerships for the Green Belt land north of the High Street. This is a re-submission of the plan (with a few amendments) which was refused by
ECDC and dismissed by the Planning Inspectorate last year.
The deadline date for comments to be submitted is March 14th, and the Parish Council urges all residents to respond to ECDC in writing quoting
application 23/00205/OUM for the attention of Andrew Phillips by email or by letter to ECDC Planning Dept, The Grange, Nutholt Lane, Ely CB7
The application can be viewed here - 23/00205/OUM
Additional information form Axis Land Partnerships:
Axis Land Partnerships have not undertaken any further public engagement regarding the resubmission as there are only two changes to the previously submitted application, that being:-
- The submission of an updated and more robust alternative site assessment to show that there are no other available, suitable and achievable sites for such a scheme outside of the green belt; and
- A reduction in the parameter plans regarding the maximum level of building heights from 12m down to 10m
Bottisham Greenway
Project Summary - Information from this page on the Greater Cambridge Partnership
The Swaffhams and Bottisham Greenways are two of twelve proposed Greenways which aim to make local walking and cycling journeys easier. They will connect villages along the route to each other, with new and improved signage enabling a direct connection with Cambridge.
The Bottisham Greenway will be an active travel route to make it easier for those walking, cycling and, where appropriate, horse-riding to travel from Bottisham into Cambridge.
These will make it easier both to travel in a pleasant and sustainable way into and out of Cambridge and to enjoy our countryside for leisure purposes. They will also help to make local journeys such as school and nursery runs safer and easier. In some cases these are new routes, or routes with new sections, whilst others will be based on existing paths.
Bottisham Greenway will be 5.9 miles long.
The draft route starts in Bottisham and proceeds along the A1303. It will be easier and safer to use the A14 underpass, which will have better lighting. The Greenway then goes past Stow-cum-Quy, where it converges with the Swaffhams Greenway, and continues along High Ditch Road past the Wing housing development to Fen Ditton. At this point it joins the Horningsea Greenway. It will then go under a new underpass at Ditton Lane. It will continue along Ditton Fields, intersecting with the Chisholm Trail at the Abbey-Chesterton Bridge. It will proceed through Stourbridge Common along Riverside to Midsummer Common. In all places there will be improved safety measures, and the path will be separate from road traffic.
As Quick Wins, the Wadloes path in Fen Ditton and a section of the National Cycle Network next to the A1303, near Cambridge Airport, have been widened and resurfaced. We have installed solar stud lighting in suitable places and more are proposed.
Key Benefits:
- Green active travel into and out of Cambridge for walkers, cyclists and horse-riders.
- Easy and safe travel to workplaces, local schools and colleges, shops and transport hubs.
- Links to the Swaffhams Greenway at Stow-cum-Quy and Horningsea Greenway at Fen Ditton.
- Link to the Chisholm Trail (under construction), which leads to Cambridge North and Central stations.
- Good access to Anglesey Abbey (National Trust).
Project Update
Have your Say
From today (27th February 2023), the GCP would like to hear your views on the Swaffhams and Bottisham Greenway.
You will be able to learn more and provide your views via the following options:
- An online survey will run from midday Monday 27th February until midday Friday 24th March 2022.
- The survey can be found by clicking this link
- On Tuesday 14th Marchwe will host a drop-in event at Stow-Cum-Quy Village Hall
- Venue: Stow-Cum-Quy Village Hall
- Time:16:00pm – 19:00pm
- Address: Main St, Stow Cum Quy, Cambridge CB25 9AB
- On Thursday 16th Marchwe will host a drop-in event at Swaffham Prior Village Hall
- Venue: Swaffham Prior Village Hall
- Time:16:00pm – 19:00pm
- Address: High St, Swaffham Prior, CB25 0LD
- An online event will take place on Thursday 9th March via Microsoft Teams.
- Time: 18:30pm- 20:00pm
- Please click here to register to attend the Teams meeting
Essential Maintenance on the A11 between Babraham and Six Mile Bottom
Announcement from National Highways - Essential Maintenance on the A11 between Babraham and Six Mile Bottom.
National Highways plan to carry out essential maintenance on the A11 between
Babraham and Six Mile Bottom. This will involve safety barrier replacement,
resurfacing and renewal of signs. This will ensure the A11 continues to remain
in a safe and serviceable condition.
We plan to complete this work between Monday 6 March and February 2024. We will work between 8pm to 6am on weeknights only, weather conditions permitting.
Closures and diversions
To carry out the work safely, we will need to close parts of the A11, one direction at a time.
Strategic traffic will be diverted via the A14 and M11 southbound, with local traffic diverted as detailed below:
Closure |
Dates |
Local diversion |
Worsted Lodge to Fourwentways (Southbound closure) |
Monday 6 March to Tuesday 2 May |
Southbound traffic will exit the A11 just after Fleam Dyke and take Balsham Road / Cambridge Road northwest towards Cambridge. Travel south along Limekin Road / Cherry Hinton Road, then southeast along A1307 / Babraham Road. Then take third exit at the Fourwentways Roundabout to re-join the A11 Southbound. (Diagram 3) |
Fourwentways to Six Mile Bottom (Northbound closure) |
Tuesday 2 May to Friday 11 August |
Northbound traffic will exit the A11 at Fourwentways and take the A1307 / Babraham Road northwest towards Cambridge. At the second roundabout, turn right to follow Cherry Hinton Road / Limekin Road, then right again to return southeast on Fulbourn Road / Cambridge Road / Dogget Lane / Balsham Road to pass through Fulbourn and re-join the A11 northbound.(Diagram 3) |
Six Mile Bottom to Nine Mile Hill (Northbound closure) |
Wednesday 16 August to Monday 16 October |
Northbound traffic will exit the A11 at Six Mile Bottom and take the A1304 towards Newmarket. At the roundabout travel west on the A1303, then join the A14 eastbound at junction 35 (Stow cum Quy) to continue north on the A14/A11.(Diagram 2) |
Six Mile Bottom to Balsham Road (Southbound closure) |
Tuesday17 October to Wednesday 29 November |
A11 southbound traffic will be diverted via the A14 westbound to junction 31a, to join the M11 southbound and continue their journey. Northbound traffic will follow the same route in reverse. (Strategic Diversion) |
Granta Park to Stumps Cross (Southbound closure) |
Thursday 30 November to Thursday 8 February |
Southbound traffic will exit the A11 at Fourwentways Interchange and take the first exit onto A1307 / Cambridge Road then right onto Newmarket Road, travelling south towards Granta Park Roundabout. Exit roundabout onto A505 westboundtowards Duxford and join the M11 at junction 10 to continue south. (Diagram 1). |
A map of the diversions can be found attached.
How to find out more
To find out more about road improvements we’re carrying out across the East of England, please visit our website at https://nationalhighways.co.uk/our-work/east/.
If you would like more information, please contact us on 0300 123 5000, or by email at info@nationalhighways.co.uk.
New Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer Wanted
Bottisham Parish Council are in search of a New Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer.
Applications are invited for the above position in a village of 1750 electors. This is a home-based permanent position for an average of 12 hours/week (work-load will vary over the year, so flexibility will be required). Equipment is provided and a home working allowance.
The salary is aligned with national pay scales and pro-rata ranges from £6997-£8706/annum, dependent on experience and qualifications. However there may be flexibility beyond this for the right person. A pension is also provided.
Key features of the role are:
1. Preparation of agendas for Parish Council meetings in conjunction with the Chair and taking of minutes, together with comprehensive administrative support. Meetings are held on the first Monday evening of eachmonth (excluding August and on bank holidays when the meeting is held on a Tuesday).
2. Attendance and provision of administrative support to Parish Council Committees/work-groups and the Annual Parish Meeting.
3. Responsibility for making all payments, the financial records of the Council and the careful administration of its finances, including audit. You will be required to store Parish Council records and documents securely.
4. Managing the cemeteries and grass-cutting around the village.
5. Advising the Parish Council on observance of good practice, Council standing orders and legal requirements.
6. The primary administrative point of contact and correspondent with residents and external bodies.
The candidate will be expected to work towards the CILCA qualification for Parish Clerks (if not already qualified), for which the Council will provide support. You will need to be personally approachable with strongcommunication and organisational skills and be self-motivated. A working knowledge of local governmentprocedures is desirable, although not essential.
The post becomes vacant on 6th April 2023 but we would, ideally, prefer the candidate to commence employment prior to this to allow for a short handover.
A full job description and Person Specification is available from the Parish Clerk at: clerk@bottisham-pc.gov.uk Tel: 07774 490607.
To apply for the position please send your CV and a covering letter to the Chair of Council at: jon.ogborn@bottisham-pc.gov.uk.
Applications will be reviewed on receipt until the vacancy is filled.
Project Play
We all know that community playgrounds offer so many benefits to children; emotional, social and physical growth and help improve collaboration skills as just a few. They can be the heart of a community and a gathering space that can benefit everyone.
Unfortunately, as you know, we are severely lacking in space for this provision within Bottisham! Despite all best efforts to secure identified areas we have faced opposition by residents and landowners.
But we’re envious of those in our neighbouring villages with play areas, aren’t we? So, how do we fix this?
Bottisham Parish Council are securing funds for the purchase of land but can’t do all the work alone.
The Parish Council is asking you for your help?
Would you like to help and be part of a “Project Play” taskforce?
For more information or to volunteer email: clerk@bottisham-pc.gov.uk
Celebration Fit for a King
A Bottisham Coronation Celebration - Planning Meeting on Tuesday 24th January at 7:30pm at Bottisham Social Club, Downing Close
We would like you, as residents, to join in with us supporting events to be held around His Majesty King Charles III coronation. Buckingham Palace announced a while back that the Coronation of His Majesty The King will take place on Saturday 6th May, 2023 and it would be so good if the village can come together to jointly organise events and activities around this special occasion.
We encourage you, as residents, to come along on 24th January and help plan what activities we can do together.
The events don't have to just take place on Saturday 6th May as the Prime Minister declared the following Monday 8th May to be a bank holiday.
So get your thinking caps on for what fun and games can be held and we look forward to seeing you on 24th January.
If you are unable to attend but would like to participate or would just like to find out more please email kc3coronation@gmail.com
Draft Bus Strategy - Have Your Say
Bus Survey - Give your views
They state this is to help provide a high-level view of what the bus network should look like in the future. The aim of this survey is not to address specific, localised problems and issues – these will be considered in due course as part of our network review. It is advised to complete the survey after you have read the draft Bus Strategy.
The Bus Strategy sets the vision for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough which is for a comprehensive network of bus services across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough that people find convenient, easy to use, reliable, affordable, and offers an attractive alternative to the car. The purpose of the Bus Strategy is not to examine detailed, granular issues around specific routes and services; more to outline the key, strategic aims, objectives, and aspirations the region has for its bus network to enable the Combined Authority and partners to bid for further funding and shape the network to meet the needs of residents and businesses.
The draft Strategy supports the Combined Authority’s aim to create a more connected region, which will encourage active and sustainable travel, improve health and wellbeing and reduce private vehicle journeys. Success in achieving the vision will mean more travel by bus and less reliance on car travel. This in turn will help maintain economic growth, reduce inequality, meet targets to cut emissions, care for the environment, and improve public health and quality of life.
The Combined Authority will engage with the public over what aspects of the draft Bus Strategy are the most important, and the consultation will consider everyone’s views on the finalised Bus Strategy. The more people who contribute to this public engagement, the more representative the results will be so everyone is encouraged to take a few minutes to give us your views in the simple survey
Deputy Mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, Cllr Anna Smith, said: “The public outcry about Stagecoach’s cutting of services last autumn was another reminder of just how important buses are to the people of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. When services are reduced, people in our region find it harder to get to work, school and shops, and they struggle to access vital services.
“So we want to hear from you about how you use the buses and get your thoughts on our draft bus strategy. It’s only by hearing from the people who live, study and work in our region that we can best deliver a bus strategy that really works for everyone. A comprehensive bus network that better connects people to places across all parts of the region and beyond”.
The consultation can be accessed here.
Survey closes 22nd February at 5PM.
Hard copies of the bus strategy consultation materials and survey form are available on request.
For this, please call 01480 277180 or email zaneta.adamczyk@cambridgeshirepeterborough-ca.gov.uk.
For any other queries related to the bus strategy, please email lauren.thomas@cambridgeshirepeterborough-ca.gov.uk.
A14 Road Improvements
Information from: National Highways
A14 junction 35 to 37, in both directions
Essential maintenance work will be taking place on the A14 around Newmarket between junction 35 and 37. Work continues to progress well and includes drainage maintenance, surveys, bridge works, resurfacing and other maintenance activities. This will ensure the A14 continues to remain in a safe and serviceable condition for all users.
Diversions and Closures
The table below sets out the closure dates and diversion routes for our work, subject to weather conditions. A map showing the diversion route can be found attached.
A14 junction 35 to 37, in both directions:
Closure |
Dates |
Time |
Diversion route |
A14 westbound closure between junction 37 and junction 36 |
Monday 9 to Friday 13 January 2023 |
9pm to 4am |
A14 westbound traffic Traffic will be diverted from the A14 at junction 37, onto the A142 Fordham Road, A1304, A1303 before re-joining A14 at junction 36 |
A14 eastbound closure between junction 35 and junction 37 |
Saturday 14 to Sunday 15 January 2023 |
9pm to 4am |
A14 eastbound traffic Traffic will be diverted from the A14 at junction 35, onto the A1303, A1304 and A142 Fordham Road before re-joining the A14 at junction 37. A11 northbound traffic Traffic will be diverted from the A11 at Six Mile Bottom, onto the A1304 and A142 Fordham Road before re-joining A14 at junction 37. |
How to find out more
To find out more about these and other improvements we’re carrying out on the A14, please visit our dedicated A14page.
For more information about other improvement work we’re carrying out across the East of England, please visit roads project page. If you would like more information, please contact on 0300 123 5000, or email info@nationalhighways.co.uk.
Elections - ID
Elections 4th May - You need photographic ID to vote now!
- Elections for East Cambridgeshire are taking place on 4 May 2023.
- You’ll need to bring photo ID to vote at a polling station.
- Check if your ID is accepted
From October 2023 it will also apply to UK General elections.
If you don't have accepted photo ID, you can apply for a free voter ID document, which is known as a Voter Authority Certificate.
Accepted forms of photo ID
You can use any of the following accepted forms of photo ID when voting at a polling station.
International travel
- Passport issued by the UK, any of the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, a British Overseas Territory, an EEA state or a Commonwealth country
Driving and Parking
- Driving licence issued by the UK, any of the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, or an EEA state (this includes a provisional driving licence)
- A Blue Badge
Local travel
- Older Person’s Bus Pass
- Disabled Person’s Bus Pass
- Oyster 60+ Card
- Freedom Pass
- Scottish National Entitlement Card
- 60 and Over Welsh Concessionary Travel Card
- Disabled Person’s Welsh Concessionary Travel Card
- Senior SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland
- Registered Blind SmartPass or Blind Person’s SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland
- War Disablement SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland
- 60+ SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland
- Half Fare SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland
Proof of age
- Identity card bearing the Proof of Age Standards Scheme hologram (a PASS card)
Other government issued documents
- Biometric immigration document
- Ministry of Defence Form 90 (Defence Identity Card)
- National identity card issued by an EEA state
- Electoral Identity Card issued in Northern Ireland
- Voter Authority Certificate
- Anonymous Elector's Document
You will only need to show one form of photo ID. It needs to be the original version and not a photocopy.
Out of date photo ID
You can still use your photo ID if it's out of date, as long as it looks like you.
The name on your ID should be the same name you used to register to vote.
If you don't have an accepted form of photo ID
You can apply for a free voter ID document, known as a Voter Authority Certificate, if:
- you don't have an accepted form of photo ID
- you're not sure whether your photo ID still looks like you
- you're worried about using an existing form of ID for any other reason, such as the use of a gender marker
You need to Register To Vote before applying for a Voter Authority Certificate.
For More Information Visit:
Waste disposal - domestic seating etc
The Council has now informed us that sofas and armchairs can, for the time being, be taken to Household Waste Recycling Centres. This is a temporary measure and they are looking to find a look time solution.
Residents were being advised that items such as sofas and armchairs can no longer be taken to Household Waste Recycling Centres in Cambridgeshire. With effect from 1 January items such as upholstered sofas, upholstered chairs, cushions and beanbags will no longer be accepted at Cambridgeshire County Council-owned household waste and recycling centres, such as the one at Witchford and Milton.
This is due to enforcement action now being taken by the Environment Agency from 1 January 2023.
As a result, also with effect from 1 January, East Cambs Street Scene will not currently be able to collect these items as part of its household or bulky waste collections. This is because there are no Household Waste Recycling Centres in Cambridgeshire that will be able to dispose of them.
East Cambridgeshire District Council are urgently working with Cambridgeshire County Council and our partners to resolve this.
In the meantime, residents are being advised to try and use re-use schemes or retailer take-back initiatives where available. Alternatively please retain these items until we can provide a further update.
Under the legislation, Persistent Organic Pollutants (known as POPs) cannot be disposed of in landfill – which is currently how Cambridge County Council dispose of all waste that cannot be recycled.
POPs are found in waste upholstered domestic seating (WUDS) textiles and foams treated with fire retardants, such as sofas, chairs, cushions or beanbags.
Despite appeals from Cambridgeshire County Council to the Environment Agency to delay the enforcement of the regulations to allow alternative measures to be put in place for waste operators and residents, the new changes came into effect from 1 January.
This final decision was confirmed to East Cambridgeshire District Council on Thursday 29 December 2022!
Unfortunately, it means that until an alternative route of disposal is agreed with Cambridgeshire County Council and the Environment Agency, East Cambs Street Scene which collects waste on behalf of East Cambridgeshire District Council cannot accept any POPs material via its waste, recycling or bulky waste collections with effect from Sunday 1 January.
Legislation relating to POPs was first enacted in 2007 but has not previously been enforced by the Environment Agency. It requires any POPs waste to be incinerated and not landfilled – and this would also include any non-POPs waste that may have come into contact with it, and therefore may also be contaminated. A confirmed list of incinerators able to receive POPs has not yet been supplied to East Cambridgeshire District Council.
Cllr Anna Bailey, Leader of East Cambridgeshire District Council, said: “This Council declared a climate emergency back in 2019 and since then has been doing everything it can to become net carbon zero by 2040.
“However, it is very disappointing to learn this will be coming in to force on 1 January before alternative arrangements can be put in place.
“We will be working closely with Cambridgeshire County Council which is the waste disposal authority to discuss how best to manage the situation in the interim, whilst a longer-term solution can be secured.
“In the meantime, given the fact that neither the Council or our waste contractor can operate illegally, then we have no choice but to cease the acceptance of Waste Upholstered Domestic Seating. We will also do our very best to inform residents – many of whom will be looking to dispose of sofas and chairs after making new purchases over the festive period – that they will not be able to do so via a Household Waste Recycling Centre in Cambridgeshire from Sunday. Instead, we ask that they take advantage of re-use schemes or trade-in initiatives used by retailers or hold onto such items until we can provide an update.”
If you would like to use a private waste collection service to dispose of foam-filled furniture please check the waste carriers are licenced and that they are taking the items for incineration. This is because no Household Waste Recycling Centres in Cambridgeshire will accept them and if the items are subsequently fly-tipped residents risk prosecution as well as the waste carrier.
Empty Grit/Salt bins around the village
Given the recent very cold weather, you may find that stocks of salt and grit in the villages bins have been depleted.
You can report this issue here (or see if it is has already been reported)- https://highwaysreporting.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/,
choosing Winter Maintenance and Grit bin needs filling from the drop down lists
Refuse Bank Holiday Collections
Refuse Date Collections
Usual Collection Dates | Revised Collection Dates | Changes |
Monday 26 December 2022 | Wednesday 28 December 2022 | 2 days later! |
Monday 2 January 2023 | Wednesday 4 January 2023 | 2 days later! |
Monday 9 January 2023 | Tuesday 10 January 2023 | 1 day later! |
If you ever need to check your dates go to East Cambs District Council website
GCP - Special Council Meeting
Special Council Meeting At East Cambs to Discuss GCP Proposals.
We have called a Special Council meeting at East Cambs District Council to discuss and agree the Council's response to the Greater Cambridge Partnership's 'Making Connections' Consultation.
The meeting is at 5.30pm on 15th December 2022.
A draft response for discussion can be viewed here (see page 3 onwards): https://www.eastcambs.gov.uk/.../151222%20Item%205%20GCP...
Black Sack Update
East Cambs District Council are pleased to confirm that the annual delivery of black bags has now started. Households will receive a roll of 52 sacks, which are intended to last until the next distribution, which is usually in the Autumn. Households will receive a roll of 52 sacks by 16th January 2023.
At the end of each week, they will post a list of all the areas that deliveries have been completed in, on their website. If your city, town or village is on that list, but if you have not received your sacks, please complete their Black Bag Rolls Not Left Form or email customerservices@eastcambs.gov.uk or telephone number: 01353 665555
Residents have until the 31st January to report their bags not being delivered.
They state they appreciate that the bags were later than normal this year, and are sorry for this. The delay was due to ongoing global supply issues. We thank residents for their understanding and patience during this time.
Warm Hubs - Support this winter
Warm Hubs
Warm Hubs will run throughout East Cambridgeshire during the winter months of 2022/23. They are friendly and inclusive places for all members of the community, offering not just warmth but a place to enjoy the company of others. Run within existing community spaces, local residents can visit a safe, warm and friendly environment to enjoy refreshments and social activity, obtain information and advice, and share the company of others. The network of Warm Hubs is truly community-led; coordinated and hosted by trained volunteers within the heart of local communities.
The network of Warm Hubs is truly community-led; coordinated and hosted by trained volunteers within the heart of local communities.
What do Warm Hubs offer?
Warms Hubs are being established in places such as: libraries, community centres, church halls, sports clubs, cafés and other places that promise a warm welcome to anyone struggling to heat their home.
Warm Hubs are totally free to use and will provide a warm welcome to all.
Some venues will also offer hot drinks, activities and other services, such as free wi-fi.
Warm Hubs will support vulnerable and isolated people, as well as those on lower incomes who are unable to pay their energy bills without compromising on other essentials, such as food, rent or hygiene, this wintertime.
We believe that Warm Hubs, established at a community level, will provide access to services for those that are perhaps ‘just managing’ with the cost-of-living crisis and who are not necessarily familiar with the systems of support available to them. The idea is to provide access to services at an early intervention stage, to prevent longer term hardship.
Where are Warm Hubs Near Bottisham?
Burwell Warm Hub
- Venue: Burwell Day Centre, Ash Grove, Parsonage Close, Burwell, Cambridge, CB25 0EN
- Opening times: Monday - Friday, 9am - 3pm
- Open from: Monday 7 November 2022
Ashley Warm Hub
- Venue: Ashley Pavilion, High Street, Ashley, Newmarket, CB8 9DX
- Opening times: Thursday, 12.30pm - 3.30pm (alternate weeks starting 24-Nov-2022)
- Open from: Thursday 24 November 2022
Fordham Warm Hub
- Venue: Victoria Hall, Carter Street, Fordham, Ely, CB7 5NG
- Opening times: Monday, 9.30am - 12.30pm, Wednesday, 9.30am - 12.30pm
- Open from: Monday 7 November 2022
Burrough Green Warm Hub
- Venue: Burrough Green Reading Room, Bradley Road, Burrough Green, Newmarket, CB8 9NH
- Opening times: Thursday, 3.30pm - 5pm and Friday, 9.30am - 11.30am
- Open from: Thursday 3 November 2022
Ely Warm Hub
- Venue: Ely Methodist Church, 13 - 15 Chapel Street, Ely, CB6 1AD
- Opening times: Sunday, 1pm - 4pm
- Open from: Sunday 6 November 2022
More Warm Hubs can be found by visiting:
Number 11 & 12 Bus - Update
As you know notification was given on Sunday 18th September that Stagecoach was going to cancel the No.11 (Bury – Newmarket -Cambridge) and No. 12 (Ely – Newmarket – Cambridge) bus services taking effect on 31st October.
However, after many discussions with bus providers, local, district and central government and assistance from the A TO B1102 group all parties have managed to work with Stephensons, bus company from Essex, who will be running both the No. 11 and No. 12 buses. The routes are not 100% ideal nor secured down and some further work and discussions still have to be held but everyone is working tirelessly to get this sorted.
The No.12 will run into Bottisham village - coming down the High St from Newmarket and then into Cambridge via Bell Rd (and vice-versa of course). However, currently there is no Sunday service. We understand that the buses are not running down to Bottisham Village College. Unfortunately, Stephensons were not aware of BVC but discussions are being held.
The No.11 is planned to go straight from Lode into Cambridge and again it is noted that Bottisham is route to the Swaffhams and Burwell and other connecting villages.
The timetable can be found attached here and will be placed on bus stops, the Bottisham Social Club, Medical Practice, Noticeboards and Co-op. There are many residents around the village that are not online nor on social media so we ask you, as fellow caring residents, please share the detail around.
Congestion Charge - Survey Live - Please Complete
Cambridge City Proposed Congestion Charge
The Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) has proposed a £5 charge to be introduced by 2027-28, which would affect private vehicles between 07:00 and 19:00 on weekdays. It is part of a package of measures to "significantly improve how people travel around" the city, the GCP said.
They state that money raised from the charging would fund improvements to the bus network (but we know for East Cambs our buses are being cancelled ... so please don't forget to complete that petition if you oppose). The GCP are making other sustainable travel schemes. The Zone would be fully operational in 2027/28 but only once the first bus improvements are introduced.
It is out for public consultation either way agree or not you have a voice so use it.
The survey is open today and runs until 23rd December 2022
- Fill in the survey: www.greatercambridge.org.uk/mc-2022 scroll right down to the bottom TAKE SURVEY button
- Attend an event: www.greatercambridge.org.uk/mc-events
- Phone: 01223 699906
Visit https://www.greatercambridge.org.uk for more information
Parish Clerk Recruited
Bottisham Parish Council have recruited a New Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer starting December 2022.
Bottisham Parish Council are in search of a New Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer.
Applications Now Ended
Applications are invited for the above position in the village of Bottisham - around 1750 electors.
This is a home-based permanent position for an average of 12 hours/week (work-load will vary over the year, so flexibility will be required).
Equipment is provided & home working allowance.
The salary is aligned with national pay scales & pro-rata ranges from £6997-£8706/annum, dependent on experience and qualifications. However, there may be flexibility beyond this for the right person.
Please see the attached .pdf for further details.
Key features of the role are:
- Preparation of agendas for Parish Council meetings in conjunction with the Chair and taking of minutes, together with comprehensive administrative support. Meetings are held on the first Monday evening of each month (excluding August and on bank holidays when the meeting is held on a Tuesday).
- Attendance and provision of administrative support to Parish Council Committees/work-groups and the Annual Parish Meeting.
- Responsibility for making all payments, the financial records of the Council and the careful administration of its finances, including audit. You will be required to store Parish Council records and documents securely.
- Managing the cemeteries and grass-cutting around the village.
- Advising the Parish Council on observance of good practice, Council standing orders and legal requirements.
- The primary administrative point of contact and correspondent with residents and external bodies.
The candidate will be expected to work towards the CILCA qualification for Parish Clerks (if not already qualified), for which the Council will provide support. You will need to be personally approachable with strong communication and organisational skills and be self-motivated. A working knowledge of local government procedures is desirable, although not essential.
- A full job description & Person Specification is available from the Parish Clerk
clerk@bottisham-pc.gov.uk orTel: 07789 012761.
- To apply for the position please send your CV & a covering letter to the Chair of Council
- Closing date for applications is 12/10/22
- Interviews will be held on the evening of 18/10/22
Cancellation Of Stagecoach 11, 11A & 12 Bus Services
Bottisham Parish Council has had no contact from Stagecoach to inform of the planned cut in services. The first information Parish Council received was late on Monday 19 September from the AtoB1102 Group. A meeting with Stagecoach is taking place today, Thursday 22nd September at which Bottisham Parish Council will be represented as well as Bottisham Village College and County and District Councillors. The purpose is to explore short and long term solutions to the problems this presents to all who rely on these services, whether for travelling to school, college or work as well as those who need the bus to get essential shopping etc.
Further information will be published as soon as it is available.
In the meantime, you may wish to consider signing the petition accessible through the link below:
Regional Proclamation - HM The King - Sunday 11th September @ 4pm
Bottisham Parish Council will host a Local Proclamation ceremony at 4pm on Sunday 11 September 2022 to formally recognise His Majesty King Charles III’s accession to the throne. This will take place at the Bottisham village sign outside The Vicarage opposite the Church. Residents are invited to attend the local reading of the Accession Proclamation by the Chairman of Bottisham Parish Council.
The King was proclaimed at the Accession Council at 10.00hrs Saturday 10 September in the State Apartments of St James’s Palace.
As our new Sovereign was proclaimed, flags on all key buildings including Holy Trinity Church and our village flag were returned to full mast at 11am today and will remain so until after the regional proclamation at 4pm Sunday. Both flags will then return to half-mast until the day after the funeral.
For those of you unable to attend or did not see the formal ceremony on the television you can watch it on You Tube here:
His Majesty King Charles III succeeded to the throne as soon as Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passed away. The King was proclaimed at the Accession Council at 10.00hrs Saturday 10 September in the State Apartments of St James’s Palace.
The Accession Council, attended by Privy Councillors, without The King present, proclaimed the Sovereign, and formally approved various consequential Orders, including the arrangements for the Proclamation.
The King then convened His Majesty’s first Privy Council, at which he made his Declaration and read and signed an oath to uphold the security of the Church in Scotland and approved Orders in Council which facilitate continuity of government.
Book of Condolence