Planning applications relevant to the community can be found here linking you to the local Planning Authority portal.

Anyone can make comments for or against a planning application during the statutory 21-day consultation period.

All valid comments will be taken into consideration when officers or planning committee members make a decision on any application.

Parish Councils are consulted by the relevant Planning Authority (which could either be the District/Borough Council or the County Council) on all planning applications. Any views expressed by the Parish Council will be taken into account by the Planning Authority before a decision is made, providing the points made are relevant to the planning application. However, the final decision is made by the Planning Authority and not the Parish Council.

To find out more about planning, building control, planning policy, Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), street naming and numbering and Local Land Charges please visit East Cambridgeshire District Council website.

To learn more about planning please see General Documents and more information about the creation of the Bottisham Neighbourhood Plan can be found under Projects.

Here are the latest live planning applications from East Cambridgeshire District Council. Click on the entry to be taken to the District Council planning portal – you will have to enter the planning reference into the search box on the portal page and this will open the details for that application.

EastCambs Planning Portal

App. No. Proposal Location Validated Status Updated Full Details
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