Bottisham Parish Council Response to Planning Application - 23/00205/OUM

Bottisham Parish Council (BPC) strenuously opposes this application 23/00205/OUM and urges ECDC to refuse it on the basis of:-

1. NPPF protection of the Green Belt is covered extensively in paras 133 to 147 and BPC contends that there are no exceptional circumstances to override this. Importantly, only 3% of the land within ECDC jurisdiction, which includes Bottisham Parish, is protected under Green Belt regulations which must be respected.

2. The very minor changes to the applicant’s submission 20/00296/OUM in2021/2 do not justify a reversal of both ECDC’s decision to refuse the original application, and the refusal of the subsequent appeal by the Planning Inspectors ref 21/00033/REFAPP.

3. The applicant has not demonstrated a need for a Retirement Village in this specific location. Indeed, a virtually identical Village now under construction in Stapleford, 7 miles distant from Bottisham and within the same catchment area, would meet any need in the vicinity that might exist.

4. The demographic split of the population of Bottisham is already heavily skewed towards the upper age groups (Source: Census 2021) and this application would further exacerbate this.

5. 50 affordable homes are in the process of construction on a less sensitive site off Bell Rd adjacent to the A1303 which (i) will satisfy the village’s affordable homes need for many years (using ECDC calculations) and (ii) will, by encouraging younger families into the village, address the significant demographic imbalance described above. This new development will also provide a play area and allotments for the benefit of the village.

6. Elderly medical care is already covered by the three existing Care Homes in the village. That they are operating below capacity demonstrates the lack of need for accommodation provided by this application.

7. An influx of a large number of elderly residents would put Bottisham Medical Practice under an unacceptable strain.

8. Access on to the site is from a narrow point off the High Street, within the Conservation Area and close to the Primary School which would be dangerous. Visibility splays would be hampered by the 2 metre high wall to the north-western side of the access road, creating a definite danger. We would recommend that both the Conservation Officer (ref NPPF para 186) and Highways reject this application as being inappropriate.

9. By their own admission, the applicants have described this as a resubmission, which was technically prohibited after the appeal.

Bottisham Parish Council and ECDC have for many years opposed giving planning permission on Green Belt land without overriding exceptional circumstances and we request that ECDC do so again.

We recommend that this application should go to planning committee.


Notice Date: 13/03/2023