Number 11 & 12 Bus - Update
Number 11 & 12 Bus - Update
As you know notification was given on Sunday 18th September that Stagecoach was going to cancel the No.11 (Bury – Newmarket -Cambridge) and No. 12 (Ely – Newmarket – Cambridge) bus services taking effect on 31st October.
However, after many discussions with bus providers, local, district and central government and assistance from the A TO B1102 group all parties have managed to work with Stephensons, bus company from Essex, who will be running both the No. 11 and No. 12 buses. The routes are not 100% ideal nor secured down and some further work and discussions still have to be held but everyone is working tirelessly to get this sorted.
The No.12 will run into Bottisham village - coming down the High St from Newmarket and then into Cambridge via Bell Rd (and vice-versa of course). However, currently there is no Sunday service. We understand that the buses are not running down to Bottisham Village College. Unfortunately, Stephensons were not aware of BVC but discussions are being held.
The No.11 is planned to go straight from Lode into Cambridge and again it is noted that Bottisham is route to the Swaffhams and Burwell and other connecting villages.
The timetable can be found attached here and will be placed on bus stops, the Bottisham Social Club, Medical Practice, Noticeboards and Co-op. There are many residents around the village that are not online nor on social media so we ask you, as fellow caring residents, please share the detail around.