GCP - Newmarket Road Park and Ride Relocation Consultation
GCP - Newmarket Road Park and Ride Relocation Consultation
Newmarket Road Park and Ride
Information from The Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP)
Newmarket Road improvements and Park & Ride relocation
Have your say on proposals for walking, cycling and public transport improvements to Newmarket Road and the preferred site for a relocated Park & Ride
The proposals
- Newmarket Road improvements – transforming the Elizabeth Way and Barnwell Road roundabouts, and the provision of direct, safe, comfortable and attractive facilities for pedestrians, cyclists and bus users between central Cambridge and Airport Way
- Park & Ride preferred site – we're asking for feedback on the preferred location for a relocated and expanded Newmarket Road Park & Ride site
The scheme aims to
- Improve the green space on Newmarket Road
- Provide better connections by improving existing, and providing new, pedestrian crossings
- Enable people to change to walking, cycling and public transport rather than using private cars
- Provide improved bus stop facilities and bus priority measures
- Enable increased levels of walking and cycling by residents living along Newmarket Road
- Support the delivery of sustainable planned developments including Marleigh and Cambridge East (Cambridge Airport)
Find out more:
Please review our proposals in detail in our consultation brochure and documents.
If you need a hard copy, or would prefer a copy of the brochure and supporting materials in large print, Braille, audio tape or in another language please email consultations@greatercambridge.org.uk(External link) or call 01223 699906.
Further supporting documents can be found online at www.greatercambridge.org.uk/newmarket-road.
Have your say - Take the survey here:
This consultation closes at midday on Monday 20 March 2023.