Retirement Village - Appeal Dismissed



Bottisham Parish Council are pleased to announce that the Appeal Ref: APP/V0510/W/21/3282241 for a retirement village to be constructed around 163-187 High Street, Bottisham has been dismissed.

The development proposed was for a retirement care village in class C2 use comprising housing with care, communal health, wellbeing and leisure facilities and use class C3 affordable dwellings. 

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved in helping support the rejection and also the refusal decision to be upheld; Parish Councillors, Bottisham Medical Practice, Local Residents who not only wrote but joined the Appeal on line and also East Cambridgeshire District Council.  It is important that we protect our Green Belt and the Community surroundings but at the same time ensure that the village develops and thrives.  

If you would like to read the Appeal Decision letter you can download below or find this either by visiting either sites below and entering the reference number 21/00033/REFAPP:


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